No More Diets: Dr. Jenn Mann’s Guide to Overcoming Overeating and Losing Weight
Let psychotherapist, author, television and radio host Dr. Jenn Mann, guide you through the No More Diets program so you can develop a healthy relationship with food and lose weight once and for all.
This app is for anyone who: wants to lose weight is tired of yo-yo dieting struggles with binges is an emotional eater feels their eating is out of control wants to make peace with food
Using the non-diet approach, Dr. Jenn explains why diets don’t work, provides eating guidelines, teaches users how to rate hunger with the hunger scale, keep a successful Food & Feelings Log, gives tips for before/during/after a binge, and offers suggestions for support.

This App Includes
- Integrated videos with tips and suggestions from Dr. Jenn
- No More Diets e-book filled with information, tips, tools, and support
- No More Diets Guidelines
- Food & Feelings Log
- 3 Hunger scales to rate your hunger before/midway/after each meal
- Writing exercise to reduce negative self talk
- Legalizing food log
- Customizable self care list
- Tips to avoid binges
- Audio Eating Exercise in which Dr. Jenn guides users through a meal using the No More Diets tools
- Reports to track user progress
- Support suggestions and recommended books
- Explanation of the Stages of Recovery
- Inspirational “Words of Wisdom” each time you user opens the app
Note: You should not undertake any changes in diet or exercise patterns without first consulting your physician. This is especially important if you are being treated for any medical condition. If you have an eating disorder or psychiatric condition, you should consult your mental health provider before beginning this app or utilizing any of the suggestions.